Anna Maria Clement

Anna Maria kicked off her career in natural health advocacy by founding the first living food organization in Scandinavia, and was a member of the Natural Health Care Coalition, a government supported effort in unifying the field of complementary health care in her native Sweden. Anna Maria has since become Co-Director and Chief Health Administrator of Hippocrates Health Institute situated originally in Boston, Massachusetts, and now located in West Palm Beach, Florida.

She is one of the leading experts in live blood cell analysis, a revolutionary technique in the comprehensive assessment of a person's state of health. She trained in this method under American Biologics in California and assisted their professional staff in furthering their education in this field. Anna Maria Gahns-Clement is the author of four books on the application of natural health methods in family and children's care. She, also, collaborated in creating a series of books about the Hippocrates Life Change program. She lectures extensively around the country as well as around the globe employing a style that is uniquely down-to earth and sensible approach to teaching practical methods that people can comfortably incorporate in their own lives. She is the co-author of Killer Clothes and Healthful Cuisine.

As multi-faceted as her life is, the one role Anna Maria considers to be the most important, the most challenging and, undoubtedly, the most enjoyable of all is her role as mother to her four children, whose perfect health is a tribute to her and the Hippocrates lifestyle.



Brian Clement


Demetria Clark